Monday, October 31, 2011


Yesterday my fiance told me that I "need to update [my] blog." And since I am a sensible person who understands that the #1 key to a successful relationship is always doing what your wife tells you, I am going to get a jumpstart on practicing for married life and do just that. Oh, did I not mention I was engaged? Well yes, yes I am. Happened a little over a month ago and we're looking forward to trading vows coming this January on the 7th.

After the US Open Triathlon debacle I took 3 weeks off as I was very ready to be done with the season. I spent a good 10 days of doing nearly no physical activity, sleeping A LOT and trying to eat all the bad food I could. After that I started doing some mild workouts here and there as the urge struck me. Last week I started getting back into the swing of things with 3 swims a gym workout and some light running every day. I've been helping my fiance with some of her XC workouts as her season is still going and she's pretty quick so that has helped me keep some good leg turnover. She got 10th at conference a week ago and has regionals in Wichita Falls this weekend so go Jess!!!

I also have to give a shout out to the UT Tyler cross country team who won Conference for the 7th time this last weekend! Nice job guys and go Patriots! They will be racing regionals in 2 weeks down in Seguin, Tx.

The rest of this fall is going to be quite busy for me as I help with wedding planning, tutor, take an online class, work on my internship at UTSA and fit in some training. It's base season time and I'm excited about putting some long, slow miles in and just having fun with training. After a summer of high heat and intensity I'm ready to just get outside and play. Busy, busy but that's how I like to keep things!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Summer Training and Racing Recap

Whoah. A LOT has happened since I updated last so let me see if I can do a quick run down.

Race results:

2nd Marble Falls Triathlon
31st overall and 14th 20-24 at USAT Age Group Nationals
9th Austin Triathlon (2nd amateur)
1st Rose City Triathlon
DNF Toyota US Open

A quick recap for some of the key races.

Age Group Nationals- This took place in Burlington, Vermont on the shores of lake Champlain this year. Love, love, LOVE that town. Such a great atmosphere, beautiful scenery and so NOT 100 degrees! I felt really good leading into the race and performed well. Went a bit off course in the swim because I was the 2nd to last wave to go and all the waves in front of us had started drifting out to see as they went around the 2nd turn buoy. I followed them for a while before I noticed my mistake and cut back onto a straight path to the next buoy. I had a much better race than last year and even with the swim snafu had my best time yet for an Olympic distance race. I didn't place as well just because the competition has gotten that much deeper. 4 of the top 5 overall were in my age group.

Austin Tri- Another solid race. Had some back issues on the bike and my bike split is continually not as strong as I'd like. A cool day though and I had a HUGE run PR coming off the bike which was a great feeling.

Rose City- Regional Championships in Tyler, Tx where I went/am going to college. Took the win and course record in a fun race and brought home some prize money to boot.

Toyota US Open- My first dnf in 10 years of racing occurred here and the circumstances surrounding it are a bit suspect.
6:15am: I air up my tires to 130 psi
6:30am: Quick, 10min bike warm up on the course
6:45am: Rack my bike, run warm up, head to swim start
7:30am: Race start
7:54am: I jump on my bike and start pedaling up the hill and immediately notice something is not right. At the top of the 100m hill I jump off my bike and check my tires. Yup, sure enough, my back tire is completely and totally flat. There is absolutely no air in it.
7:56am: I run back down the hill to try and find a pump but am told I can't take outside assistance and there is no bike support. I turn my chip in and re-rack. Then go watch Javier Gomez dominate the run and win the race.
9:50am: At my car I air up the tire again to try and find the leak. I figure I must have picked something up on the warm up. I can't find anything and it appears to be holding air just fine.
11:50am: After eating breakfast my tire still has full pressure
7:00pm: Arrive back in San Antonio. Tire still has full pressure
7:30am the next morning: Still about 100 psi in the tire.

I've tried to figure out how a tire can go from 130 psi to completely flat in 90min and yet hold air when pumped up again. The ONLY explanation I can think of is that someone intentionally let the air out of my tire. I don't know why or how but that's the only possibility. Its pretty frustrating to be robbed of a race like that. Stolen from me without my asking. I'm in the best running shape of my life right now and would have really appreciated another opportunity to PR my run split. It's hard to believe someone would intentionally undermine another competitors race in that manner but I guess it happens.

Its off season now and I have a solid 2 weeks off of any form of structered training. I'm looking forward to this time to relax, look back at the year and think ahead towards next year. Here are a few random pictures I've included-

Rose City Winnings

Austin Tri with friends and family

Marble Falls

Drug testing at Age Group Nationals