Monday, October 27, 2008


32 degrees, A.K.A. freezing. Thats how cold it was at 7:00 AM, C.S.T. here in Tyler, Tx when we began practice this morning. You might as well tell a Texan its going to be -20, the reaction would probably be the same.

In Texas, when we start hearing numbers in the 30's we frantically begin digging through our closets to find those jackets, sweaters, and scarves that we boxed up and stored SOMEWHERE, what seems like eons ago.

If there was water here it would be frozen, and if it was frozen we probably would have school canceled. If it's below freezing and there is ANY frozen moisture whatsoever, be it from sprinklers or dirty dishwater, that is usually enough to close down the whole city. In Texas.

Us runners in Texas, (or triathlete as I prefer to call myself) dread these kind of temperatures. It numbs the fingers, chills the toes and sears the cheeks and eyelashes. There is no escape from these harsh conditions when you venture out on to the lonely roads as sun is still peeking above the horizon.

Yes, these are all the things I thought as I made my way to the fitness center to begin practice this morning. Luckily, we were running inside.


TATI said...

haha love it! glad to hear i'm not alone in HATING anything below 70. i really wish i lived near the equator.

Mark Saroni said...

I don't know about that. Texas is pretty good. Plus, I like being able to prove my hardcoreness by going on 2hr bike rides while its below freezing and sleeting. :-)

Doug said...

Oh, well, lets see, yes sir, right now, here in metro Detroit, it is 36°F.

You want cold, come up here in January.

Last winter lasted forever, I could not get outside to ride until the end of March, that never happens. Only one ride outside before the first road race of the year leads to squirrely riding.

Mark Saroni said...

I bet. By the end of March this year I'd already done TWO triathlons. Granted, one was while it was 33 outside... that was a bit much.