Wednesday, May 6, 2009

When Did Working Out Become Work?

Taking a break from studying here. While most of UT Tyler is done with finals or finishing up I am just getting started. My first real final actually wasn't until today and I have three more before I'm done with the semester.

In my preparation for my 9:30 final tomorrow in motor development I was reading about the importance of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle in older adults and how it prevents many of the common side effects associated with aging. In fact, much research has shown that older adults who remain physically active often resemble their younger counterparts more closely then their peers in terms of performance and reaction time. Study after study has shown that exercise will improve life expectancy and drastically increase the quality of living as people age.

I think most people would agree that this is fairly common knowledge. We all know that exercise is good right? But putting it into practice is much more difficult. And why is that? I believe one of the main reasons is that people often associate "exercise" with "work" or something you have to "go do." How many times do you hear people say they "have to go to the gym?" This attitude presents exercise as a distasteful task that must be performed to keep oneself from falling into too much of a state of slothfullness.

It doesn't have to be this way. At least that's what I believe. I believe a major change in the common viewpoint we take on exercise is due. What if, we didn't think of it as "exercise" but instead as "play?" Everyone loves to play right? Have you ever watched a child scurry around burning who knows how many calories as they randomly jump from one activity to the other? I know I get exhausted just trying to watch my 8 year old brother.

We all have different likes and dislikes and I believe people should find something they enjoy doing and then go do it! If you love to play soccer then go find an adult league or grab a couple friends. If it's golf then walk the course instead of riding a cart. Racquetball, tennis, frisbee, hiking, basketball, swimming, rock climbing, biking, swimming. Just find something you love doing and go do it. If you enjoy grinding out a 30min session on the elliptical then by all means go for it. But by any means don't feel confined to a gym to get your (hopefully) daily workout in. 

Sure, I know people have crazy schedules. Mom's have kids, dad's have job, students have school and work, people have lives. But trust me, if it is something you enjoy doing and look forward to you WILL find time to do it. Even better, get your friends involved. What better way to "play" then with a group of buddies who like doing the same active things you do. Look for fun ways to get a workout in. Soon exercise will no longer be a chore but instead an integral part of your lifestyle that you couldn't imagine doing without.

 That is my message. Exercise and working out isn't something that has to be a burden. It should be fun and enjoyable. So don't feel confined by the social norms of 1 hr workouts with a 10 minute warm up followed by 45 minutes of the standard lats, chest, quads, biceps, hamstrings, triceps, calves and chest circuit and a 5 minute cooldown. Get out there and enjoy life. Enjoy exercise, enjoy the outdoors and have fun!


William Ritter said...

dude great blog! I need to spread that word more around at work when people say stuff like that. Look forward to kickin' it with you in Austin in a couple of weeks. Take care.

JohnOliver said...

ooo good word, good word.

i feel challenged.
