Thursday, May 28, 2009


I am preparing another blog ranting about America's poor health and nutrition but I thought I should hammer out an update on training and racing first.

Track is over. (Thank goodness) I had a dismal conference meet and was just thankful to be done with running for a while. 
After track I took 2 weeks off completely, doing nothing but swimming a few times a week.
Then I started building my running back up and am now on my 3rd week doing that and on track to hit 40 miles this week. My focus has shifted this summer and my plan is to swim and run a lot so that I can have a good cross country season this fall. I'm hoping to hold about 60 miles a week running for most of the summer and be swimming a good 5-6 days a week. I'll try to limit my biking to 3 times a week or less.

I raced the Capitol of Texas triathlon this last Monday and did alright. Considering the fact that I'd done less than 10 bike workouts all year and ran 10 miles the Saturday before the race I guess it was alright. I probably wouldn't have done it if I wasn't already signed up for it but it was fun to hang out with friends and teammates.

My plan for this summer is to race very little and just get back to training, building a base and having fun. I'll jump in some crits here and there probably a local tri or two but none of that will be a focus or events I'm keying off of. I am racing Age group nationals in August, my plan there is to pr my swim and run with the bike being whatever it is.

To all you out there training and racing have a great 09 season!!

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