Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The race that wasn't meant to be

Yes indeed, my hopes at qualifying for the sprint world championships in my 16-19 age group were dashed yesterday when they canceled the Capitol of Texas Triathlon.

It had rained pretty much all weekend but it still looked like they might be able to pull the race off. The biggest issue was town lake. Because of all the rain the sewage and drainage pipes had become overloaded and were dumping more then usual into this offspring of the Colorado River. Monday morning, with the rain coming down in droves and the lake unsafe to swim in they changed the race to a duathlon.

While all this was happening I was actually still in bed. I was racing the sprint, which didn't start until 9:00 am and saw no reason to get up any time before 6:00. After waking up, getting showered and shaved, and eating my 300-400 calories my dad and I headed for the race. Rain still coming down we pulled into the parking garage. Much to my dismay there were very few cars there and people were putting bikes with numbers onto their racks. Thats when I got that sick feeling when no one has actualy TOLD you, but you know that its over. That feeling of dissapointment when you have prepared yourself for something, for months and months worked to get ready, and then in the blink of an eye, its gone. There is no "something" you were preparing for. Its off.

I got out, looked around and asked a guy putting his bike in his car the dreadful question I already knew the answer to- "Did they cancel the race? All of them?" He replied in the affirmative and told us that all, even the Sprint and "My First Tri" which weren't scheduled to start for another 2 hours had been called off. With nothing left to do but go get my bike, thats exactly what I did.

My heart sick with dissapointment I splashed through the puddles that inhabited the transition area, once a place of eager anticipation and nervous energy. Now nothing more then a field with bikes scattered around and meek triathletes quitely going about their business. A member of the event staff informed me upon inquiry that not only was the lake too contaminated but the bike course was flooded in spots as well. By now I knew there was nothing they could do to salvage anything resembling a race as barricades were being torn down and half the athletes were already on their way home.

Trudging back to the car I saw the Team In Training athletes running the 5k course. Tri-suit and all they bounced along with smiles on their faces as the rain continued to drizzle down. They too had trained for months, not for themselves but rather for a cause greater then self. A little rain couldn't quinch their spirits. They could see the big picture.

The drive back to Dallas was long and lonely. The rain just wouldn't seem to let up. It gave me some time to reflect. The turmoil of emotions was difficult to decypher. Anger, sadness, resignation, determination, depression. All of those were present. I realized I probably wouldn't get another shot at the World Championships this year. And sure enough, when I got home I saw that the new race they had set as the qualifier was the Metroplex Sprint Triathlon, on June 10th. A great race that I've done before but also right in the middle of my 10 day canoe trip to the boundary water of Canada. Sigh.

Standing in the garage looking at my bike I decided I might as well go out and ride. Just because everything I had trained for was now gone didn't mean I couldn't have fun. Plus it was my way of "sticking it to the man." I was tapered, rested, lets go ahead and get a workout in. So I did. 27 miles. In the rain. I felt great. Theres always next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry it didn't work out for you Mark. Other than that, I don't know what to say.

I hope you get the opportunity to make the world championships next year.
