Friday, June 22, 2007

I had no idea

village burning

1 year old girls bullet wound.

How can it be that me, a totally hip, in the loop, up on current events kind of person had no idea that there was genocide taking place in this world, today? And that it has been going on for a couple years. Where is all the new coverage on this? Every day I glance at the paper I see something about Iraq, the horrible job the president is doing, the growing obesity problem, the upcoming presidential race, blah blah-blah blah blah. Same old same old. Maybe I'm just so out of it that I have failed to notice. Maybe.

Darfur, Sudan. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has declared the situation in Darfur a genocide since 2004. Over 300,000 people have been killed, 1,600 villages burned, and 2,500,000 people have been driven from their homes. Yes I got that number of zero's right. Google Earth has teamed with the USHMM to raise money and awareness for it. Google Earth is free, I highly advise everyone to download it, scroll over to Africa, you'll see the orange highlighted country of Sudan. Unbelievable to realize some of the things that still go on in our world today.

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