Friday, February 29, 2008

An Ailing Athlete

Apologies for the time gap in posting. I've been sick this week, and it sucks. Not anything really debilitating. I've managed to make all my classes and go to work still but have had no energy left for training. Actually I don't know if I would classify it strictly as "sick" more like "Infected." Basicaly I have this boil on my lower backish, almost the we-don't-talk-about-this-area regions. Its nasty, oozing, extremely painful mess that I've had since last Saturday night. Not sure how the heck it got there but it hurts! Anyways as my body has been fighting that it's resulted in me feeling horrible, running a slight fever, some congestion, etc. I did finally go to the doctor today and now I'm on some hardcore antibiotics to try and kick this thing.

Sunday-Wednesday I didn't train at all. Yesterday I swam like 700m but my arms were just too tight and tired. Today I made it 1500m but it still was not fun. Running is almost impossible as I still have some trouble walking and for biking we'll have to see tomorrow. I'm really needing to get back to training with Athens next week and my world qualifier in I think 6 or 7 weeks. Its getting to be crunch time and I NEED to be training.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Mark.

Give me a holler sometime to go riding.

Kelly Harris