Saturday, May 10, 2008


I'm finally done with school,thank God!! And I really mean that with all my heart.

I one B and five A's so I am fairly satisfied with that. I hate B's though but oh well.

I'm not too confident about my training right now as none of the workouts have been going well. I feel horrible and my arms hurt when I'm in the pool and when running or biking anytime I am supposed to up the intensity I'll feel good for about 20-30 seconds then this wave of like exhaustion will come over me and I'll have to fight to stay on pace. I think it may have to do with my allergies still being bad which in turn gives me asthma problems. I probably wouldn't notice it if I wasn't trying to train at a high level and be competitive as a triathlete but if my body isn't getting enough oxygen I feel every bit of it. All I can do is stay on my allergy medicine and hope this season passes quickly. I'm trying to keep my confidence up there but it is tough.

I am excited to announce that I'm officially enrolled as a student at the University of Texas at Tyler.

I went out Friday with my mom and we got registration, transfer scholarship, and housing all taken care of. I'll be living in a 4-bedroom on-campus apartment. I get a bedroom to myself and share a bathroom with one other guy. I'm excited and it should be a lot of fun. Especially getting to run cross country with the team there. They have some super fast guys that will really help push me and the coach is a 7 time Ironman Hawaii finisher with quite a few overall wins at the sprint and olympic distance level so he is totally cool with triathlon training.

Actually one of the guys who goes there already beat me at Athens this year so they have some pretty good triathletes on the team.

Worlds is 4 weeks away and its time to get down to business.

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