Monday, March 23, 2009

Sorry for the long layoff. I've just had trouble coming up with proper motivation to write another blog post. Let me fill in a few quick updates about whats been going on the last month or so.

1) Semi-injured hamstring that warranted a week of very easy workouts. The hamstring is fine now so no worries there.

2) Family wedding. My brother picked me up in Tyler Friday, February 20th where we drove back to Dallas to catch a plane for Tucson, Arizona. It was a fun weekend getting to see the family I don't get to see often, including my cousin who's at West Point and a good break from school.

3) Track. 3 meets into the season and I am an established steeplechase runner. It is a fun and different even to run and I am having a blast doing it.

4) Spring break and team training/testing camp- At the end of my spring break week I went down to San Antonio for some testing with IconOne. It was fun to see the athletes I haven't seen since camp and nationals last year and the tests went ok.

5) Overtrained athlete. After the weekend I talked to my coach, who has not been coaching me this spring because of track and other stuff and decided to start working with her again. I have somehow gotten myself into a fairly extremed overtrained/fatigued state which she was able to see just from observing me over the weekend. It was something I had kind of suspected just because I knew I was working out a lot but there wasn't any sort of specificity so it wasn't helping my running and it wasn't helping triathlons. Just junk mileage. I've kind felt lost this spring without a specific plan and just trying to figure out workouts on my own. Anyways I'm working with her again and it feels good to have some direction. Even if that direction has been mostly resting and not much training. Oh well, I have now worked with Shelly long enough to realize that she is ALWAYS right, no matter how much I have convinced myself otherwise so I just trust her and do what she says and somehow I get faster.

Thats about it for now, I'll try to keep the updates a bit more frequent. Collegiate Nationals is April 18th, I'm scared to death because I know I'm not going to be in optimal shape for it but oh well. My goal now is just to go out and have fun. Then the next weekend we have conference track where I plan on running the steeplechase and 5k.


William Ritter said...

are you not training with the track team?

William Ritter said...

hey check out my race schedule out on the right bottom side. I am doing Cap Tex as well :) Do you know people in Austin? I asked a person i know if I could stayed with them, just waiting to hear back. Good luck at College Nats.

William Ritter said...

sweet man, I'll take up on that offer and we'll go from there. I got in the elite/pro division for that race, so I'm excited about that.