Saturday, June 13, 2009


This post is being hammered out on my grandparents computer as I sit at their ranch house outside of Austin, Tx. I am currently en route to San Antonio where I will arrive tomorrow for 5 weeks of training and coaching. I am super excited as I will be getting to experience both ends of the spectrum during my stay. I will be working closely with my coach on workouts and training even as I learn from her and get to help coach other kids in the sport. It should be an exciting time and I am looking forward to learning a lot.

As far as training I am hoping San Antonio will be just the thing I need to really kick myself into gear. I still have been struggling with getting out the door for workouts. I'll have a few really good sessions then just not feel like training for a day or two. I'm not sure if I just need a change of scenery or what. I was thinking about it the other day and realized that I've been running the same routes around my neighborhood for 7 years now! I've always been a guy who enjoys change. I like new challenges and experiences, to explore and seek the unknown. One of my favorite things to do when I go somewhere new is it to lace up my shoes and just take off, not knowing where but just... running. Turning down streets, looking for cool roads or paths, dodging cars or animals. Whatever.

Here's to hoping I get my act together soon.

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