Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 9

Saturday afternoon I did exactly what I planned on doing- nothing. I literally spent about 6 hours sitting on the coach with my coach's husband, Jeff while she was doing important things in Canada. It was greatness!

Sunday was an off day so I went to Church with my host family, took a nap and chilled. Oh, I also ate. A LOT. Sometimes when I'm doing all these workout with high intensity I have problems with my appetite being suppressed. Well Sunday I had no issues. I would eat a giant meal and be hungry 30 minutes later. So I ate and slept and rested.

Monday was another early morning at the gym. Coach missed her alarm so Hunter and I did some stuff on our own before heading to Gecko's practice. Then it was hill repeats at TMI again. 5 of them this time instead of of 4 and after the first one, which was pretty slow I nailed the next 4 at a solid pace and all within 6 sec of each other. Consistency was my key and I accomplished that. Mason was awesome as domestique. He was on his bike and would meet us at the top of the hill with water bottles to pour on ourselves as we suffered in the sun.

The rest of the day I slept and watched tv before heading to the pool for an easy swim with a bunch of drills.

This morning was band work again. Ugh, thats a tough one. In between the 5' runs with bands around my ankles I was doing 5x :45sec @5'pace/:30 off. It was supposed to teach my body how to deal with lactic acid and right around :30-:35 sec I could feel my form just fall apart. Very tough but necessary.

A 2hr nap followed by breakfast and I was feeling much better! The maid popped in unannounced today. She's supposed to come on Fridays, what the heck? So I packed up and headed to starbucks where I'm currently studying for my midterm tomorrow in "Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of Weight Management." Fun.

Off to the pool in about 30min then group ride tonight. Hoping to crush it!

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