Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 3

I don't anticipate this being a very long post as I'm pretty tired. I have been swimming better than I ever have in my life and that is very encouraging, especially given the lack of focus I had been putting into the swim.

Yesterday the family I am staying with gave me a card and told me to go to the store and get "whatever I wanted." Uh oh, I should have warned them. I loaded up with M and we headed to HEB. Actually, most of what we got was a few things they wanted and then shopping for the 3 meals M had planned for a Team Gecko requirement. One of the things the kids can do to earn "stars" is plan 3 meals, shop for them and help prepare them. We worked on that quite a bit yesterday and it has been really cool to see M start taking a notice in what he points in his body.

Other than hanging out with M my life has consisted of training, eating and sleeping. Quick run down from the last few days.

Monday: Previously mentioned workouts plus 3200m swim w/ MS of 6x100 on 2' These were a mix of pace, sprint and the last one was easy. This workout was my first clue that I might have made a breakthrough in my swimming.

6am run @ the gym on tm. This was a band workout where Hunter and I had exercise bands tied around our ankles then tied to an elliptical behind us. This keeps you from overstriding and is actually a killer workout. We did 4x5' of that with (5x:30 on/:30 off) in between each band set.. "on" was at 5'/mile pace for me.

Swim @ 2pm with mainset of 500, 3x100 drill, 400, 3x100 on 1:30, 300, 3x100 on 1:25, 200, 2x100 on 1:20. Pretty tough and it doesn't help that the pool is about 85 degrees. 3800m total.

Group ride around 6pm. I thought this was going to be ugly but my legs actually felt ok and I broke away with 3 other guys. About 22 miles of the ride I was just hammering and I'm sure my hr was in the 170's. Felt good to take some pulls and apply some pressure though.

Wednesday: Only a tough swim today. MS was 3x(5x100 on 1:25, 4x100 on :20) straight into a 600 pull for time. Thankfully my arms were still attached after this one, even if only by a thread. 3500m total.

I made granola with the 7yr old daughter today and spent the rest of the time laying around being tired. I'm currently waiting around until 8pm when I have given myself permission to go to bed. Tomorrow's a big day.

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